Fearing Fear

Fear attracts more fear.  Ironic, isn’t it? Whatever we focus on expands in our lives. What we put out in the world in terms of thoughts and feelings comes back to us. These concepts represent two universal laws; the Universal Law of Cause and Effect and the Universal Law of Attraction. The vibration of who…

Real Freedom

“The amount of happiness that you have depends on  the amount of freedom you have in your heart.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh~ Are you really happy in your life? How much freedom is in YOUR heart? If your heart feels closed and constricted, your heart energy is disconnected and closed off. You may even have a…

Breathing Out Fear

With the understanding that we are energy beings, I often talk about several types of fear: new fear, chronic fear, and deeply embedded fear. Traditional Chinese medicine doctors believe too much fear causes an energy imbalance in the body that leads to disease in the body and the brain. Releasing the fear or balancing the…

Fear and Our Decisions

Fear in our energy fields holds us back in a myriad of profound ways. One way is fear inhibits us from making decisions. We are blocked from knowing what’s best for us. Instead of moving toward something for our best and highest good, we focus on avoiding what isn’t good for us. Being directed toward…

Energy Techniques to Counteract Autoimmune Disorders

To be optimally healthy, one needs to have a vibrant and robust immune system. The energies supporting the immune system must be vibrant and free flowing. A completely functional immune system can protect from all the potential invaders like pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, environmental pollutants, toxic chemicals, and electromagnetic pollution. A healthy immune system…

Healing Embedded Emotional Traumas

Every significant event in our lives is stored as memory in the chakras. Each chakra has 7 layers representing different stages of your life. The first layer is the furthest out and represents the most recent events within the last few months. The second layer represents the time period within the last year. The 7th…

Success Consciousness

Success consciousness is all about knowing who we really are and living a life focused on what is essential for us as individuals. Success consciousness is our “state of being”. Our “being” depends on our thoughts, feelings and beliefs that result in our vibrational frequency. Our frequency is responsible for the people, opportunities, wealth, health…

The Field of Potentiality

You have a magnificent and extraordinary potential that you probably haven’t really tapped into. This incredible potential is very different from brain power, This power of potentiality controls the mind— it is your energy life force. Let’s call it your Field of Potentiality. The Field of Potentiality includes everything you want to create in your…

Fear Paralyzes Us

Fear is perhaps the most prevalent and debilitating emotional issue. Fear holds us back from what we want in life. Fear keeps our energy fields in protection mode— the energy is NOT able to flow easily through the body. This protection mode prevents us from growing and meeting new challenges. Fear can paralyze us.  New…