Positive Energy in Water

You may have heard of the famous research Dr. Masuru Emoto has done with water. This Japanese scientist studies water to observe the different crystals that form. Each crystal that forms has the same hexagonal shape but all the crystals are different in the structural details. After Dr. Emoto’s collects the water sample, he takes…

Surrender and Trust

For my spiritual growth and evolution this year, I’m working on surrendering and trusting. So I naturally“attracted” an opportunity to test my ability to surrender and trust. I was on vacation in Greece. touring mainland Greece and some islands. On the last night of the trip,I fell on a white marble walkway on the picturesque…

Prosperity Energy

Florence Scovel Shinn wrote a small book entitled, The Law of Prosperity and How to Apply it. There are many truths in this gem that I want to share. I use money as an example of prosperity here even though prosperity exists in many aspects of life. But most people equate money with prosperity. I…

Consciousness Knows No Fear

So many people seeking my help tell me specific fears they have: fear of driving, fear of flying, fear of life, fear of people, fear of speaking, fear of success or not being a success, and fear of being themselves. Fear consumes a lot of people. Fear ruins a lot of people’s lives. Fear holds…


There is a new word people are using more often these days—consciousness. What does it mean? Consciousness within you is your conscious mind, subconscious mind and superconscious mind. Your mind and brain are not the same. Your brain is more or less a relay station with lots of networks directing messages or stimuli throughout the…

Awareness and Consciousness

Awareness is knowing the Universe encompasses all that is visible and invisible. Mind, body, spirit make up the whole of us and the whole of the Universe. The mind and brain are not the same. The brain tissue provides a way for neural pathways and electrical stimuli to send messages much like a transmitting or…