Here is a different way to think about health. Being healthy is not just an absence of physical symptoms or disease, it is the resonance of wholeness and well-being that matches your highest potential and your TRUE SELF. It is being in vibrational alignment with your well-being. Our well-being includes our bodies, minds and spirits (as one). 

Let’s dissect what it means to be in vibrational alignment with well-being. 

Vibrational alignment with well-being means your energies are at a high vibration. Well-being is high on the vibrational scale. So your energies are flowing freely in your energy body and are getting revitalized throughout the day. That means energy blockages have been removed from your energy fields. To me, it also means that you vibrational frequencies are aligned with the Divine energy of the universe. Your high vibrational frequency is sustainable to accomplish your specific mission and the tasks everyday to progress toward that goal. It means that your energy levels are resilient. Things may happen in your life but you are able to remain focused on your passions and purpose. 

Being in vibrational alignment with well-being also means your energies are directed toward your best and highest good. For example, your energies are directed toward accomplishing your mission, making an impact in the world, making a difference in others’ lives, contributing in a way that makes the world a better place and also leading the way to a new level of BEING. 

Being in vibrational alignment with well-being also means that you see abundance all around you and you can live and give from that abundance which enhances your vibrational frequency. It also means you accept that you and everyone else are exactly where they need to be on their life’s journey to learn their specific lessons to evolve their souls. 

Vibrational alignment with well-being means you are vibrant, radiant and you share that positive energy with those around you at all times. You are also at peace within yourself and in the world. In addition, it could mean that you see everything as a miracle rather than nothing as a miracle. You can see life as a miracle from your view AND from other’s perspectives. 

Being in vibrational alignment with well-being also means that you can embrace all that happens in your life as something happening for you rather than to you. All our challenges are gifts to help us stretch and grow from the experience. It’s important we not get stuck in our challenges but open up to see the solution. 

Being in vibrational alignment with well-being means that you are grateful for your life, your family and friends, your community and the universe for offering you opportunities, situations, people and events to help you grow and expand into the miracle you were always intended to be. 

If you or someone you know wants to be in alignment with your well being, you can start by letting go of emotional issues. Overcome fear and anxiety. Let me show you the path to a better version of you. Get your free copy of Letting Go: Energy Guide To Transform Anxiety & Fear To Freedom & Joy.

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